Midwifery Care
Listening deeply and attuning myself to feel and observe what you need, meeting you in where you are at the moment. Building trusts to provide you the best care for your unique birth experience.
Prenatal care
Holistic and comprehensive prenatal care tailored to your needs.
Prenatal visit every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and every week until birth. Home visit at 36 weeks.
45-60 min long visit at the office (located at Kindredspace LA birth center)
Lab work including OB panel, genetic screening, glucose screening and GBS screening.
Ultrasound referral
Monitoring of maternal health
Monitoring baby growth and health
Nutrition counseling
Support and guidance for emotional well-being
Body balancing prenatal massage (1-2 times)
Herbal tea blend (Pregnancy tea)
Homeopathic remedy recommendation
Labor and Birth
Birth in your home where you feel most comfortable with a trusted birth team
On call 24/7 from 37-42 weeks
Phone and text support during early labor
2 licensed midwives team at birth
Monitoring of vital signs and intermittent fetal heart rate throughout the labor
Comfort measures and emotional guidances given
Water birth option (birth tub rental)
Privileges at a birth center (Kindred Space LA)
Immediate postpartum maternal and neonatal care several hours after birth
Perineal assessment and suture
Newborn exam
Support families to transition smoothly to their fourth trimester.
Well baby and Postpartum home visits at 24-48 hour after birth at day 5-7
Well baby and Postpartum office visit at week 2-3 and week 6
Pediatrician referral
Breastfeeding consultation and support
Phone/text consultation as needed
Gentle body balancing belly massage and belly binding
Herbal tea blend (Postpartum tea & Sitz bath herb)
Discount price on placenta encapsulation service
Well person exam and pap smear
Midwives Model of Care™ Is Client-Centered
The Midwives Model of Care™ is a fundamentally different approach to pregnancy and childbirth than contemporary obstetrics. Midwifery care is uniquely nurturing, hands-on care before, during, and after birth. Midwives are health care professionals specializing in pregnancy and childbirth who develop a trusting relationship with their clients, which results in confident, supported labor and birth. While there are different types of midwives practicing in various settings, all midwives are trained to provide comprehensive prenatal care and education, guide labor and birth, address complications, and care for newborns. The Midwives Model of Care™ is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life events. The Midwives Model of Care includes:
monitoring the physical, psychological and social well-being of the mother/birthing parent throughout the childbearing cycle
providing the mother/birthing parent with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery, and postpartum support
minimizing technological interventions and
identifying and referring women/birthing people who require obstetrical attention.
The application of this model has been proven to reduce to incidence of birth injury, trauma, and cesarean section.
(Midwives Model of Care definition is Copyrighted © by the Midwifery Task Force, all rights reserved)