Placenta Encapsulation Service
Research shows that the placenta includes iron, vitamins and hormones that are beneficial for postpartum period. Placenta consumption is known to regulate mood swings and boost energy as well as increase milk supply.
Processing Methods of placenta capsules
Raw Method
Raw method is to dehydrate placenta in 160F temperature for 16 hours. This method is meant to preserve most of the vitamins and hormones in the placenta.
Steaming Method (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Steaming method or Traditional Chinese Medicine method is to steam the placenta before dehydrating in 160F temperature for 16 hours. In TCM, placenta is considered to be the Yin component. Steaming adds the Yan component for balance. This method is best for individuals who are GBS positive. Because of the milder finish of this method, it is also recommended for ones who have history of anxiety or depression.
Placenta Tincture
Placenta tinctures allows one to have access to the benefits of placenta for an extended period. Placenta tincture which is taken sublingually is great for PMS, fatigue and even menopause later in life.
Cord Keepsake
Heart shape umbilical cord for the memory of your pregnancy and birth. Complimentary gift from Bluewillow Birth included in the package.
Placenta Salve
Placenta salve is made from infused herbal oil and placenta powder. This salve is great for scar tissues after cesarean birth. It is also beneficial for healing skin and inflammation.
Placenta Capsules, Tincture and Cord Keepsake $350
Placenta Capsules, Cord Keepsake $325
Placenta Tincture $45
Placenta Salve $50